Why do you want Republicans to have more imagination? The only problems they would solve is that of maximizing the number of citizens who support them.
Village Idiot
JoinedPosts by Village Idiot
Do You Think Trump And His Whole Team Of Advisers Should Drop Acid?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini mean back in the 60's when lsd was legal they did experiments with the drug to find out it's problem solving ability and the results were amazing.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/psychedelics_in_problem-solving_experiment.
psychedelic agents in creative problem-solving experiment was a study designed to evaluate whether the use of a psychedelic substance with supportive setting can lead to improvement of performance in solving professional problems.
the altered performance was measured by subjective reports, questionnaires, the obtained solutions for the professional problems and psychometric data using the purdue creativity, the miller object visualization, and the witkins embedded figures tests.
Village Idiot
Is this another Trump backflip?
by fulltimestudent inwe've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Village Idiot
Thankfully he doesn't have absolute power over the nation like the dude from North Korea, there is Congress, the Senate and finally the Supreme Court to manage any of his purposed directives and being that many Republicans in both segments of the government don't like him, there will be critical analysis and scrutiny to whatever comes out of the oval office.
Finkelstein, Congress and Senate are under control of Republicans and Trump has stated that he would place the most right wing Supreme Court justices as he promised his voters. That is something the Republican majority would not mind doing.
Also, the fact that Republican politicians don't like him has been no hindrance to his having won in the first place let alone prevent him from doing as he pleases now that he's won.
Is this another Trump backflip?
by fulltimestudent inwe've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Village Idiot
However, his ego will probably get the better of him....
Is this another Trump backflip?
by fulltimestudent inwe've seen one backflip.
crooked hillary became a hard-working woman who deserves the nations praise (in his victory speech);.
now according to a uk newspaper:.
Village Idiot
Is this another Trump backflip?
Trump does back flips, forward flips, headstands and yoga postures.
They are all the same.
As I've been saying they are not the same. Hillary as president would have left this nation the same as she got it - the status quo. Trump will bring it down to the Abyss.
Help from you fine folks here. "Hope and wishes for baby"
by James Mixon inbaby shower for my son (raised a jw) and his wife mormon, a baby boy.
so a "hopes and wishes list" for the baby was handed out , any ideas.. i hope you know________________.
and i hope_______________________.. love grandpa.
Village Idiot
I hope you know that wisdom comes hard but is well worth it.
I hope you learn a little bit of this and a little bit of that instead of a lot about just one thing.
I hope you experience many lifetimes within this one and only.
I hope you respect those who are different than you.
I hope you love the mother of your children.
I hope you try all the best beers, smart and life extension supplements and drugs.
I hope you aren't afraid of bullies.
I hope you become an example to us all.
I hope you never forget friends and family when they need you.
And I hope that you live long and prosper.
New Religion where to look?
by Alostpuppydog inhas anyone found any religion that makes more sense than the watchtower organization?
obviously catholics make even less sense than them so don't say that.... the reason i ask is because i still believe the bible is the word of god, but just that the jw's have twisted it for their own benefit, as most religions seem to do....
Village Idiot
@ Heaven:
“This knowledge is of divine origin; and it is from the Bible of the creation that man has learned it, and not from the stupid Bible of the church, that teaches man nothing.*
*The Bible-makers have undertaken to give us, in the first chapter of Genesis, an account of the creation; and in doing this they have demonstrated nothing but their ignorance…
Thomas Paine - The Age of Reason. From The Online Library of Liberty: The Writings of Thomas Paine, Volume IV, Page 192-193.
Sam Harris on Trump - The Most Powerful Clown
by cofty inharris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Village Idiot
Straight from Huffington Post:
Earlier in the year, before Mike Pence was chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate, former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, using Trump’s analogy of running a business to explain how he’d run the country, told HuffPost’s Howard Fineman that the vice president of the Trump administration would really be the “CEO” or “COO” ― or, the president of the company ― while Trump would be more like the “chairman of the board”:
“He needs an experienced person to do the part of the job he doesn’t want to do. He seems himself more as the chairman of the board, than even the CEO, let alone the COO...There is a long list of who that person could be.”
That person turned out to be Pence, and, before and after the election, there’s been some analysis and commentary suggesting that Mike Pence could be “the most powerful vice president ever.” And now, just days after the election, his power has increased tenfold as he is replacing Chris Christie as chairman of Trump’s transition team, filling all the major positions in the incoming Trump administration.
Mike Pence is perhaps one of the most anti-LGBTQ political crusaders to serve in Congress and as governor of a state. Long before he signed the draconian anti-LGBTQ “religious liberty” law in Indiana last year, he supported “conversion therapy” as a member of Congress, and later, as a columnist and radio host, he gave a speech in which he said that marriage equality would lead to “societal collapse,” and called homosexuality “a choice.” Stopping gays from marrying wasn’t biased, he said, but was rather about compelling “God’s idea.”
Ben Carson, who compared homosexuality to pedophilia and incest, is a vice chairman of the transition team and so is Newt Gingrich, who has attacked what he called “gay fascism” and, in 2014, “the new fascism” around LGBTQ rights.
And right on cue, already appointed to lead domestic policy on the transition team is Ken Blackwell, formerly the Ohio secretary of state. Blackwell compared homosexuality to arson and kleptomania, which he called “compulsions.” In an interview with me at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul in 2004, he explained:
“Well, the fact is, you can choose to restrain that compulsion. And so I think in fact you don’t have to give in to the compulsion to be homosexual. I think that’s been proven in case after case after case...I believe homosexuality is a compulsion that can be contained, repressed or changed…[T]hat is what I’m saying in the clearest of terms.”
Expect each of these individuals and more bigots to have prominent positions in the Trump administration.
Sam Harris on Trump - The Most Powerful Clown
by cofty inharris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Village Idiot
Brokeback Watchtower,
Anyway I think we need to wish the best for Trump's presidency for the next four years and I'm hoping that he gets the best advisers on his team to get some good things done for the country.
It is his vice President who has been entrusted to pick out the advisers. A little research will show that they are conservative radicals beginning with the VP himself.
Election Post-Mortem
by Simon ini'm sure many people, republicans included, are shocked at the results of the 2016 presidential election.
really, wtf!.
the polls were wrong and although it's tempting to blame voter suppression and fbi interference, that would just avoid looking at the real issues for the loss.
Village Idiot
The media most likes drama and disruption. They don't want "slow news days".
Sam Harris on Trump - The Most Powerful Clown
by cofty inharris is at his incisive best in his latest podcast.. he likens the situation to being on an aeroplane where the pilot has died and somebody with no experience of flying has grabbed the controls.
we should all be committed to his success.
prize for the best line goes to - "caligula with a iphone".. even if you love trump and despise harris you should appreciate his clarity.. waking up with sam harris....
Village Idiot
Finkelstein, your hypothetical situation has several flaws. Through no fault of your own since you don't seem familiar with nuclear weapons.
First, any bomb that ISIS might get would be in the kiloton range (1 kiloton = 1,000 toms of tnt). That would not be able to kill 10 million people; it would not even be able to destroy all of Manhattan with a population of 1.6 million. Hundreds of thousands maybe.
You also underestimate our ability to find out a lot through forensics as to the origin of said devices. They can be traced back to its country of origin because the radioactive residues of Uranium have their own particular radioisotope "fingerprint" depending on who produced it.
There are much easier ways of wreaking havoc, which I won't detail, that can kill thousands without any explosion. It would be a ridiculously small weapon whose raw material is easily available. It's a good thing that these terrorists have little imagination; they'd be much more effective if they did.